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certificat d'autorisation lqe

Biologist for private and municipal owners to obtain certificate of authorization from the Quebec government , 2017 to today

Notre-Dame-de-l'île-Perrot, Île Carillon, MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, St-Lazare, Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain

- Characterization and delimitation of terrestrial and wetland habitats, of natural high water mark of watercourses, inventory of flora and fauna species at risk, drafting of reports for authorization certificate requests

Expertise en entomologie

Entomologist for the Montreal Insectarium, 2019 to today

The sentinels of Nunavik | Space for life

Facebook: @SentinellesNunavikSentinels

- Develop and offer entomological training to young Inuit in all the communities of Nunavik

- Create tools and guides for identification and popularization

- Promote the project through Facebook publications

- Train and support young people in the collection and identification of insects

- Participate in the writing of a guide to the butterflies of Nunavik

Identification d'insectes

Taxonomist for the Quebec Public Health Expertise and Reference Centre, 2017-2018-2021

Monitoring report for West Nile virus and other arboviruses transmitted by mosquitoes in Quebec: 2017 season | INSPQ

- Monitoring of the accidental mechanical introduction of vector species of exotic mosquitoes in southern Quebec

- Develop a protocol and carry out rearings of the eggs to the 4th larval stage and / or to the adult stage

- Identify specimens to the species level at the larval and adult stages

Image de Kenneth Schipper Vera

Entomologist for the Centre de développement du porc du Québec, 2019

Project 248 | Quebec Pork Development Center (

- Develop an insect sampling protocol at the research station and provide the different types of appropriate traps

- Train technicians in collection and handling

- Identify insects and create an identification key

- Provide a report on the behavior, life cycle, eating habits of each of the identified insect species

Expertise en entomologie espèces en péril
Révision scientifique
Capture d’écran 2021-11-23 155922.jpg
Capture d’écran 2021-11-23 160005.jpg

Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service for the Report on the General Status of Species in Canada, 2012-2013-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021

Reports - Wild Species (

- Develop species lists for Diptera and Hemiptera families in each of the Canadian provinces

- Evaluate the conservation status of species with the NatureServe program

- Create an electronic database of 8000 specimens of Neuroptera, Vespids and Coleoptera from Canada from the Lyman collection, McGill University

- Develop common French and English names for 53 Diptera families

Scientific revision of books from the Autour de toi collection , 2019-2020-2021

Les bestioles d'ici- Éditions MD (

- Exhaustive reading to ensure the accuracy of the information and sources used

- Validate the choice of species and illustrations

Image de Ben den Engelsen

Collaborator in a research project on the response of beetle communities to the quantity of dead trees associated with burns with Dr. Christian Hébert (Natural Resources Canada) and Dr. Jacques Ibarzabal (University of Quebec in Chicoutimi)

Projets de recherche en entomologie

Collaborator in a research project on the diversity of necrophagous insects collected on pig carcasses in three regions of Quebec with Dr. Marjolaine Giroux (Montreal Insectarium) and Dr. Jade Savage (Bishop University)

Étude scientifique biodiversité

Collaborator in a research project on the phenology and trophic structure of an arctic fly community (Kugluktuk, Nunavut) with Anna Solecki (University of Guelph)

Collaboration projets de recherche biodiversité

Collaborator in a research project on the diversity of birds and insects in fallow lands along an urbanization gradient (statistical analysis and review) with Christine Barrie (Marianopolis College)

Request for submission
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